the wandering chick
a.k.a. Minnesnowta
Off Highway 19

Dear God, thank you for balmy, sunny places and sandy beaches with palm trees and seashells. Now, can you please create a WARM snow? One that doesn't bite us in the a....(Sorry). You've got its beauty down pat, but you just gotta raise the freakin' (sorry) temps a bit. Amen.

Truly, why does it have to be so dang frigid? Unfortunately, this warm-blooded, heat-lovin' beach bumb at heart finds that the prettiest season in Minnesota is, indeed, the winter, when the snow fields extend as far as the eye can see, and the stark blue sky creates the perfect backdrop.

So, I bundle up best I can, take a few pictures, then run back inside to the warmth and coziness of my sister's house, drying my eyes, blowing my nose and cursing the bitter cold.

Here are a few pictures taken the last couple of Christmases off of Route 19, just south of the Twin Cities.

As you scroll down, you'll see pictures I've taken in summer months to remind myself that it's not always winter in Minnesota.

a mn barn
christmas mn08
sun dogs in mn
sun dogs
Above and Left: Sun dogs, also called mock suns, are an atmospheric phenomenon in which ice crystals form a replica of the sun, usually to the left or the right, or as in this case, on both sides. Sun dogs can be seen at any time of year and in any season.
typical MN barn in winter
a walk in the woods
winter09 in mn
a cozy birdhouse
tx boy shoveling snow
This ol' boy, my brother, despite his south Texas beach-lovin' roots, does his share of snow removal.
off route 19 south of the cities
fields of snow
horse riding in mn
Just to show that Minnesota does actually have non-snowy days, I've added these pictures, taken in late summer.
pretty pines

Please visit some of my other travel locations. Feel free to email me if you have questions or comments.

BY CITY:Boston | Carson City | Coeur d'Alene, ID | Colorado Springs | Durango, CO | Fort Benton, MT | Galveston, TX | Independence, MO | Juliette, GA | Leadville, CO | Morro Bay, CA | New York City | Sacramento | San Diego | Savannah | Seattle | Sedona, AZ | Stillwater, MN | Tombstone| Tucson | Washington, D.C.

BY STATE: Alaska | Arizona | California | Colorado | Georgia | Idaho | Maine | Michigan | Minnesota | Montana | Nevada | New Mexico | North Carolina | South Dakota | Texas | Utah | Washington | Wyoming

BY REGIONS, LANDMARKS AND NATL PARKS, FORESTS AND MONUMENTS: the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest | Antelope Island on the Great Salt Lake | Arches NP | the Badlands | Big Sur | Bighorn Canyon | the Biltmore Estate | the Black Hills | Blue Ridge Parkway | Bodega Bay | Bridges of Madison County | Bryce Canyon | Canyon de Chelly | Canyonlands NP | Death Valley | Devils Tower| Garden of the Gods | Glacier NP | the Grand Canyon | the Grand Tetons | the Great Sand Dunes NP | Gulf Shores, AL | the Hearst Castle | Hoover Dam | Hovenweep NM | In search of Barns and Bridges | Kure Beach | Lake Powell | Lake Tahoe | Little Bighorn Battlefield | Mackinac Island | Martha's Vineyard | Medicine Bow NF | Mesa Verde NP | Monterey Bay | Monument Valley | Mount Rainier | Mount Rushmore | Mount St. Helens | Napa Valley | Natural Bridges NM | Niagara Falls | OK City (bombing) NM | the Olympic Peninsula | Organ Pipe Cactus NM | the Outer Banks | the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert | Pictured Rocks NL | Point Reyes Natl Seashore | Rocky Mtn NP | the Royal Gorge | Saguaro NP | Shenandoah Valley | Sleeping Bear Dunes NL | the Sonoma Coast | Sunset Crater NM | Texas Hill Country | Tonto NM | Tonto Natural Bridge | Tybee Island | Valley of Fire | the Vermillion Cliffs | White Mountains NF | Yellowstone NP | Yosemite NP | Zion NP

OUTSIDE THE U.S.: Austria | Budapest, Hungary | Canada | Costa Rica | East Africa | Europe, here and there| France | Germany | Greece | Italy | Morocco | the Netherlands | Portugal | Russia | Scotland | Spain | Switzerland | Tunisia | Turkey

OTHER: HOME |My Favorites | the Andreas family, Moab | Vilseck DoDDS teachers' reunions




All images within 'The Wandering Chick' Web site are copyright protected. They may not be downloaded or otherwise copied.

moon, Lonsdale
in the lilly family
grandpa's hideaway, Jordan
A shed called Grandpa's Hideaway, Jordan
sunrise south of the cities
Lonsdale pond
Early morning on a pond south of the cities
Lonsdale pond
Lonsdale pond
winter scene out the window
Outside my sister's kitchen window on a cold March afternoon
the st croix river
At the River Bend Nature Center in Faribault is a nice hiking trail along the St. Croix River. The next several shots were taken from there.
River Bend Nature Center, Fairbault
River Bend Nature Center, Fairbault
frozen waterfall
River Bend Nature Center, Fairbault
River Bend Nature Center, Fairbault
south of the cities
River Bend Nature Center, Fairbault
south of the cities
south of the cities
A drive in the countryside of Rice County, south of the cities, offers serene views of a typical Minnesota winter.