There's something about covered bridges that brings out the romanticism in all of us. Yet, others will say, "If you've seen one covered bridge, you've seen them all." And in a sense that's correct here in Madison County, Iowa, as well.
But hey, did you see the movie?? How can you not have some sort of affection for the Roseman and Holliwell bridges?
And so it was that my sister and I met in Winterset, Iowa, for the sole purpose of seeing the bridges that captured our hearts in the movie and book "The Bridges of Madison County."
But they weren't as easy to find as one may think. They and 'Francesca's house' were actually spread out over at least a 20-mile radius, down dusty country roads that seem to go on and on, over the curve of the earth.
But it was worth every mile. Here are the pictures of the bridges taken on this absolutely perfect spring day.
Pammel State Park, left and below, is located about three miles outside of Winterset.
It's a beautiful setting and provides full-hookup as well as tent sites.
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