The Vilseck teachers' reunion this year experienced a first. It was the first year in 14 that we were not able to meet physically. Instead, we had this Zoom conference.
We had great plans for meeting in Portland, Maine, on our usual gathering dates in mid-June. Little did we know that the world would be hit with a pandemic that would keep millions in self-isolation and curtail summer travel plans.
So, we gathered the best we could by doing the Zoom conference. Here are some photos taken from the computer screen.
There's good to come of every situation, and the good that came from this meeting is that we saw some of our former colleagues, many of whom we had not seen since leaving Vilseck, ones who've not been able to attend our reunions: Marcia and Cato Coleman, Carol Schevitz Hammer, Marie and Don Johnson and Dave Disharoon, specifically. Not pictured were Anne and Al who were with us by phone.
To each of you who attended today, thank you. And, as always, thanks to Jerry for setting this up. Thanks to John and Dave for sending additional photos.
We look forward to next year. We had already voted to keep the Portland, Maine, location for our 15th annual reunion. We hope that will come to fruition and we hope to see as many of you there as possible. Until then, Auf Wiedersehen!
To view some of the previous reunions (those under normal circumstances!), please return to the reunion home page.
Or, you may enjoy visiting the old (but not ancient!!) pictures taken when we were all in Vilseck.
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