the wandering chick
a continuation
...Riding the trails
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Four of us took a ride in the desert across Peoria's Lake Pleasant Parkway from the Paloma Community Park. We didn't see much wildlife, but the saguaro skeletons, as they always do, had their own unique, sad posture. It was good to see that there were healthy ones that have survived the recent harsh summers.
The next few shots were taken in New River in an area that might be part of or just outside of the New River Nature Reserve.
On a return trip to the land across from Paloma Community Park we stopped by the lagoon for lunch, then walked among the saguaros. We find the skeletons as fascinating at the live ones.
It's not uncommon to find saguaros that for one reason or another have fallen. Most likely, the reason is weather-related...drought or high winds. This fallen one was huge in size, so it was particularly sad to see it downed.
I wish I had a name for this area of bolders that are located on the south side of Loop 303 off Lake Pleasant Parkway. A return trip there resulted in these photos. (Others from a previous trip are above. )
On another thrilling trail ride we ran across this multi-armed saguaro. May she long survive the drought and changing climate changes.
The ride took us through the DC Wash and onto this trail through Cougar Canyon and on the LP 10 trail.
Another unique saguaro, one that seems to have lost its head
Overlooking Lake Pleasant from a mountain top several miles away