One doesn't see much of the 100-mile long Hassayampa River because the majority of it flows underground, keeping to its Apache name meaning "river that flows upside down."
Starting near Prescott and flowing south, it empties into the Gila River. Along that route, one of the places it CAN be seen is at the Hassayampa River Preserve off Highway 60 south of Wickenburg.
The preserve offers easy hikes that can be enjoyed by all levels. It's a particularly popular spot for birders who hope to catch glimpses of the 280 species of birds that live, migrate or nest at the preserve and in the waters of Palm Lake.
The preserve is jointly owned and maintained by The Nature Conservancy and the Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Dept.
It's suggested that the palm trees located on the preserve were brought in from nearby Castle Hot Springs. They are considered the signature trees of the preserve, giving it an oasis-like atmosphere.
To see more Arizona locations and more hiking destinations, please return to the Arizona home page. Many of the hikes can be found under the Pleasant Harbor and Maricopa County pages.
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