Above is the Montrose Totem Pole Cactus.
The middle photo is of a Mexican Redbud that has not quite blossomed, but you can see it in full bloom in the photo on the far right.
The Boyce Thompson Arboretum is an Arizona state park with 300+ acres of botanical gardens. It includes two miles of walking trails and offers educational opportunities for children of all ages. It is Arizona's largest and oldest botanical garden.
It's located a little more than 50 miles on the east side of Phoenix on Route 60.
Plan on spending a few hours, but note that their summer hours start early in the day and end early (6am to 3pm).
Above: A suspension bridge spans the Queen Creek along the Magma Ridge Trail.
Right: A Eucalyptus Forest can be explored in the Australia section of the aboretum.
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