the wandering chick
...Canada's wildlife
the ones we were lucky to see
Mountain sheep
mountain sheep

Most of the animal pictures on this page have appeared in other pages as well. I just thought I'd dedicate a special page to the wildlife that we saw.

As mentioned on other pages, it is always evident when wildlife are near the road. The telltale sign is cars parked along side the road and usually people standing with or without cameras or phones.

With one exception: the grizzly bear.

So revered is the grizzly - and so unpredictable - even the most fool-hardy know not to get out of their car when a grizzly is in sight.

Those who get to see the ultimate in wildlife are so in awe, that's always the first topic of conversation among friends and strangers alike. We'd like to wear banners that say, "I saw a grizzly today."

We were visiting in peak season, just before hibernation, so black bears and grizzlies were about more than usual, especially where the berries were in most abundance. As a result, many of the hiking trails were closed off to protect the hikers and to give the bears their needed space. Bears eat an approximate 60 pounds of berries a day prior to hibernation.

It was also rutting season for the elk during our visit, so it was fun to see the young guys battle it out for their girl.

All in all, the animals we saw were not bothered by the hoards of people who congregate around them. Most likely they are aware, but they continue non-chalantly grazing, with an ocassional glance upward to check out the people scene.

What I'm most amazed by is the excitement people feel over seeing animals in the wild. It doesn't matter if it's a squirrel or a bear, it always puts smiles on the faces of those around. And that's a good thing.

mule deer
Mule deer are recognized by their big the ears of a mule.
mule deer
mule deer
the mountain goat
Mountain goat
mountain goat
young male elk rutting
male elk
C'mon, guys. Neither of you will win over the girl if you don't put more vigor into it than that!
Young elk
elk, mature male
elk, mature male
Mature male elk
grizzly bear
Grizzlies come in a variety of colors, even black. But they are distinguished from a black bear by the prominent hump between their shoulders. Also, their snout is more elongated.

To see more of the Canadian Rockies, return to the Canada home page.


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